
My name is Neil Lassen and I will show you how to ACTUALLY sell online

I once taught myself marketing and Ecommerce whilst working an unfulfilling retail job.

Within 6 months, I managed to earn enough sustainable internet income to quit that job and went on to build a six figure monthly online Ecommerce business from scratch.

I now help aspiring entrepreneurs from around the world do the exact same thing - with little to no experience. I teach how to use the latest and most effective ecommerce opportunities and sell on the world's largest marketplaces.

I Am Going to Show You How To

  • 1.

    Rank Higher

    Rank higher in search and build up an initial audience for your product or service.

    Read more
  • 2.

    Increase Traffic/Conversions

    Increase traffic and drive conversions without spending more time writing more content.

    Read more
  • 3.

    Add Value

    How to add value to your existing projects that resonates with your customers.

    Read more

My Projects

Projects that I have launched or been involved in marketing.

Merch Informer

Book Bolt

Sale Samurai

0 Orders received

0 Hours spent

0 Projects in progress

0 Coffees consumed

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“Always deliver more than expected.” — Larry Page, co-founder of Google

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